Newid y gêm arlwyo.

Applications for 2024/25 programmes have now closed.

Applications for 2025/26 programmes will open in 2025.

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Canllawiau Cais - Cymraeg


Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau gan gerddorion ifanc ledled y DU o gefndiroedd incwm isel.


Bydd ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus ar y rhestr fer ym mis Mehefin a'u gwahodd i glyweliad*.
*Ymgeiswyr Rhaglen Datblygu yn unig


Am fanylion ein cefnogaeth a'r cyfleoedd rydyn ni'n eu cynnig, gweler isod.

Ein Rhaglenni

Future Talent operates two programmes supporting gifted young musicians from low-income backgrounds across the UK, providing unique opportunities to build confidence, develop personal skills, and enhance their musical experience.
Our Junior Programme supports younger musicians at an earlier stage of their musical development, while our Development Programmes supports more advanced musicians.

Both programmes provide a range of development opportunities led by  expert musicians and educators, including world class masterclasses, workshops, mentoring sessions and performance opportunities.
Alongside these opportunities, we also provide our young musicians with financial support towards their musical costs, which could include:
·     Tuition fees
·     Ensemble & course fees
·     Exam and audition fees
·     Instrument costs including purchase, hire, insurance, parts and repair
·     Music technology and other equipment
·     Sheet music
Future Talent also provides Named Awards for selected participants on the Junior and Development programmes, amounts and durations vary. See below for our different awards.

Ein Rhaglenni


Ages approx. 8-13 | £500 | Duration 1 year
For young musicians approximately Grades 1-5, The Junior Award focuses on young musicians in the earlier stages of their musical development.


Ages approx. 13-18 | £1,000 | Duration 1 year
For young musicians approximately Grade 6+, The Development Programme focuses on the musicians who show great musical potential but have not had the opportunity to develop it.

Gwobrau eraill

Ysgoloriaeth Coombs

£4,000 | 2 flynedd | £2,000 y flwyddyn
Fe'i sefydlwyd yn 2007 er cof am weinyddwr cyntaf yr elusen, Lucy Coombs, yn dyst i'w hymroddiad i'w gwaith.

Bob dwy flynedd, mae'r Ysgoloriaeth yn cefnogi un cerddor eithriadol sy'n lansio ei yrfa neu addysg bellach mewn cerddoriaeth.

Bydd ceisiadau ar gyfer Ysgoloriaeth Coombs 2021/22 yn agor yn yr Haf. Gellir ystyried ymgeiswyr i'n Rhaglen Ddatblygu.

Our Named Awards

teamArchie Award

Ages 16-18 | £2,000 per year | Brass players
In partnership with teamArchie, this award is for selected young brass players and includes one-to-one mentoring with trumpeter Matilda Lloyd.

Harvey Parker Award

Ages 16-18 | £2,000 | Woodwind players
For exceptional young woodwind players, in rememberance of Future Talent alum Harvey Parker.

Indian Classical Award

All ages under 18 | £2,000 per year | Indian Classical Musicians
Recipients must be under 18 to apply. For talented young players of Indian Classical instruments.

VOCES8 Award

Ages 15-18 | A place on the VOCES8 Summer School | Choral singers
Young choral singers may apply for a spot on the prestigious VOCES8 summer school.

Ysgoloriaeth Coombs

Ages 16-18 | £2,000 | All instruments
This award is for exceptional musicians looking for a career in music.

National Children's Choir of Great Britain Award

Ages 9-14 | A place on the NCCGB two annual residentials | Choral singers
Young choral singers may be granted a space on the Easter and Summer residentials of the NCCGB.

Gwobrau eraill

Ysgoloriaeth Coombs

£4,000 | 2 flynedd | £2,000 y flwyddyn
Fe'i sefydlwyd yn 2007 er cof am weinyddwr cyntaf yr elusen, Lucy Coombs, yn dyst i'w hymroddiad i'w gwaith.

Bob dwy flynedd, mae'r Ysgoloriaeth yn cefnogi un cerddor eithriadol sy'n lansio ei yrfa neu addysg bellach mewn cerddoriaeth.

Bydd ceisiadau ar gyfer Ysgoloriaeth Coombs 2021/22 yn agor yn yr Haf. Gellir ystyried ymgeiswyr i'n Rhaglen Ddatblygu.

Ymuno â'n cymuned.

Cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am elusennau a newyddion rheolaidd.

Diolch! Mae eich cyflwyniad wedi dod i law!
Oops! Aeth rhywbeth o'i le wrth gyflwyno'r ffurflen.

Bydd yr holl wybodaeth a gesglir yn cael ei chadw, ei defnyddio a/neu ei storio yn unol â'n Polisi Preifatrwydd. Mae'r holl ddata personol yn cael ei gadw yn unol â'r cyfreithiau Diogelu Data perthnasol. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am sut mae Musydd Talent y Dyfodol yn prosesu eich data personol cysylltwch â'n Harweiniad Diogelu Data drwy anfon e-bost